
The actor of "Game of Thrones" said that he had been raped by the Internet and quit the Internet: just because the character was not pleasing

The actor of "Game of Thrones" said that he had been raped by the Internet and quit the Internet: just because the character was not pleasing



According to foreign media The Independent, actor Elaine Massey, who played the role of the waif in the fifth season of "Game of Thrones", revealed that because of the drama, she had been subjected to cyber violence and therefore quit the Internet.

The actor of "Game of Thrones" said that he had been raped by the Internet and quit the Internet: just because the character was not pleasing

Marseille revealed in an interview recently that her character in "Game of Thrones" often stands on the opposite side of Arya Stark, because the latter is a character that the audience likes, so Marseille has been subjected to cyber violence. She said: "After my Game of Thrones show came online, there was a pretty heated conversation... just because of the character I played. The fans hated me for beating Arya with a stick in the show. .”

While the internet and social media platforms are communities for fans to discuss, if a character is unpopular, this heated discussion can often turn negative. "Social media can be a brutal tool, as evidenced by the mental health crisis and anxiety that young people are experiencing right now," Marseille said.