
"Resident Evil: Dead Island" trailer was complained: it looks so stupid

"Resident Evil: Dead Island" trailer was complained: it looks so stupid



"Resident Evil: Dead Island" announced the official trailer video not long ago, but one of the shots has aroused the interest of many fans.

In the screen, Chris, Claire, Jill, Leon and Rebecca all use their own unique ways to avoid the oncoming tentacles.

"Resident Evil: Dead Island" trailer was complained: it looks so stupid

Chris and Jill casually skip aside as they shoot the tentacles, but Leon, Claire, and Rebecca go for cool over utility. Claire had the most dramatic moves of the three of them, "winning the game" with a cartwheel flip.

Obviously, the players liked this scene very much.

"Resident Evil: Dead Island" trailer was complained: it looks so stupid

A user named u/kraMitten said Dead Island was "unbelievably stupid", but said it was a good thing.

And u/ten_dead_dogs admits that the film will be "the dumbest piece of shit ever made and will watch it a hundred times from start to finish".

Indeed, that's what fans want, most just wanting to see Resident Evil characters co-star in the same movie.
