
Movie "Venture Across the Passionate Sea" Premieres on TikTok: Starring Huang Bo and Zhou Xun

Movie "Venture Across the Passionate Sea" Premieres on TikTok: Starring Huang Bo and Zhou Xun




At 4 PM today, the movie "Venture Across the Passionate Sea" will premiere on TikTok, Watermelon Video, and Fresh Time. The film, with a Douban rating of 7.5, has a box office of over 500 million and was honored as the "Most Anticipated Film of the Year" at the Fashion Bazaar Annual Party.

Lao Jin (Huang Bo) fishes tirelessly to send his daughter, Jin Lina (Zhou Yiran), abroad for studies. However, tragedy strikes when his daughter mysteriously dies from 17 stab wounds, with her boyfriend Li Miaomiao (Zhang Youhao) as the prime suspect. Angry and determined, Lao Jin embarks on a journey across the sea for revenge, while Li Miaomiao continues to evade capture under the protection of his mother Jing Lan (Zhou Xun)… In this labyrinth of human nature, who will ultimately reach the shore of love and forgiveness?
