
Did You Read It Wrong? Unveiling the Correct Pronunciation of Celebrity Names: Which Tone for 马伊琍's 琍?

Did You Read It Wrong? Unveiling the Correct Pronunciation of Celebrity Names: Which Tone for 马伊琍's 琍?



Did You Read It Wrong? Unveiling the Correct Pronunciation of Celebrity Names: Which Tone for 马伊琍's 琍?

Recently, the editorial team of "Chewing Words" released the top 10 language mistakes of 2023. The first one revealed is "多巴胺," where the correct pronunciation of 胺 is àn, not ān, sparking widespread discussions among readers.

Using celebrity names as examples, New Min Weekly highlighted some common language errors:

For 马伊琍, the character "琍" should be pronounced as lí, not lì. As 琍 has only one pronunciation, li's second tone. It's strange that despite years of fame, no one noticed her name being mispronounced.

Did You Read It Wrong? Unveiling the Correct Pronunciation of Celebrity Names: Which Tone for 马伊琍's 琍?

In the case of 辛芷蕾, both characters "芷蕾" are pronounced as zhǐ lěi. Following Mandarin's phonetic rules, when two consecutive third-tone characters appear, the first one should be pronounced as the second tone. For example, "抖擞" is pronounced as (dóu sǒu), "你好" as (ní hǎo), and "祖母" as (zú mǔ).

The situation is similar for 张雨绮 and 辛芷蕾, but Zhang Yuqi's name is often mispronounced. According to Mandarin's phonetic rules, "雨" should be pronounced as the second tone, zhāng yú qǐ, while "绮" should not be pronounced as the second tone. This is how CCTV hosts typically pronounce it in related programs.

宁静, as a surname, should only be pronounced as ning's fourth tone, not ning's second tone. For example, in "明英烈," the Eight-Armed Nezha 宁伯标, Dan Tianfang pronounces it correctly on the show.

Did You Read It Wrong? Unveiling the Correct Pronunciation of Celebrity Names: Which Tone for 马伊琍's 琍?

毛舜筠, where "筠" refers to Xiangfei Bamboo, should be pronounced as yún, not jūn. Only in the place name "筠连" can "筠" be pronounced as jūn. Therefore, the correct pronunciation for Mao Shunyun is Mao Shun yún, not Mao Shun jūn.

黄子佼's "佼" has only one pronunciation, jiao's third tone.

朴树's original name 濮树, where "濮" is pronounced pǔ, not pu's third tone. As a botanical term, "朴树" should be pronounced as pò shù, not pǔ shù. Also, when used as a surname, "朴" is pronounced piáo. In general, it should not be pronounced as pǔ.

田朴珺, where "珺" has only one pronunciation: jùn, referring to a beautiful jade.

李欧梵, the famous Hong Kong scholar's name, is often pronounced as fán. However, in reality, "梵" has only one pronunciation, fan's fourth tone. Therefore, 梵文, 王梵志, 曾梵志, 徐梵澄 should all be pronounced as "fan."

曹禺's "禺" has three pronunciations, namely yu's second and fourth tones, and ou's third tone. However, there is no yu's third tone pronunciation. Therefore, 曹禺's correct pronunciation is either yu's second tone or the fourth tone, but not yu's third tone.
