
Insiders Say: Live-Action "Snow White" Delayed Unrelated to Lead's Remarks

Insiders Say: Live-Action "Snow White" Delayed Unrelated to Lead's Remarks



Insiders Say: Live-Action

The lead of "Snow White," Rachel Zegler, recently made controversial remarks during an interview, critiquing the original version of "Snow White" and implying the prince to be a stalker. This sparked a frenzy of discussions.

Zegler also discussed altering the film's narrative focus to empower women rather than centering around "romance."

Insiders Say: Live-Action

However, it's worth noting that according to the latest reports, the live-action adaptation of "Snow White," originally set to release on March 22, 2024, might face a delay.

Nevertheless, the postponement doesn't stem from the lead's controversial statements. Insiders informed TheDisInsider.com that the live-action "Snow White" film hasn't wrapped up production and requires reshoots, with actors currently on strike.
