
Mayday's Management Responds: No Lip-Syncing, Official Statement Coming Soon

Mayday's Management Responds: No Lip-Syncing, Official Statement Coming Soon



Mayday's Management Responds: No Lip-Syncing, Official Statement Coming Soon

Renowned band Mayday was recently accused of lip-syncing at concerts. Bilibili content creator "Wheatfield Farmer" analyzed fan-submitted audio, revealing potential lip-syncing during the November 16 Shanghai concert and a mix of genuine and lip-synced songs at the November 28 London concert.

After the video went viral, accusations of Mayday's lip-syncing reached the top three trending topics on Weibo.

On December 4 noon, Interface News contacted Mayday's management company Believe Music. A staff member denied the lip-syncing allegations, stating, "There's no lip-syncing." When asked about an official response, they mentioned, "It's coming; you can stay tuned on our official public account."
