
Copyright Expiring Soon: Disney's Attempt to Restrict Public Use of Mickey Through Trademarks

Copyright Expiring Soon: Disney's Attempt to Restrict Public Use of Mickey Through Trademarks



Copyright Expiring Soon: Disney's Attempt to Restrict Public Use of Mickey Through Trademarks

As we reported earlier, the original copyright of Disney's iconic character Mickey Mouse is set to expire on January 1, 2024. At that time, the public will be able to freely use the cartoon portrayal of Mickey Mouse from this expiring version. It is noted that the cartoon depiction of Mickey Mouse first appeared in the animated short film "Steamboat Willie" in 1928 and made its second appearance in "The Mad Plane."

Copyright Expiring Soon: Disney's Attempt to Restrict Public Use of Mickey Through Trademarks

According to comicbook, Disney issued a statement last year in an attempt to set boundaries. Disney stated, "Since Mickey Mouse first appeared in the short film 'Steamboat Willie' in 1928, people have associated this character with Disney's stories, experiences, and authentic products. This association will not change after the expiration of the film copyright. We will continue to protect the rights in our more modern versions of Mickey Mouse and other works still under copyright protection. We will strive to prevent consumer confusion arising from the unauthorized use of iconic characters like Mickey."

Disney also mentioned that they will use trademark law to the fullest extent to minimize others' use of Mickey. Unlike copyright, trademarks never expire as long as they are in use and registered. However, the Supreme Court has ruled in the past that companies cannot use trademarks as a means to circumvent the public domain. Therefore, Disney's remedial measures under trademark law will be limited.
