
"Spider-Man: Across the Universe" New Chinese Poster, Spider-Cat Debuts

"Spider-Man: Across the Universe" New Chinese Poster, Spider-Cat Debuts



"Spider-Man: Across the Universe" released a new Chinese poster, and the movie will be released on June 2.

"Spider-Man: Across the Universe" New Chinese Poster, Spider-Cat Debuts

"Spider-Man: Across the Universe" New Chinese Poster, Spider-Cat Debuts

"Spider-Man: Across the Universe" New Chinese Poster, Spider-Cat Debuts

The film tells the story of the new generation of Spider-Man Miles (voiced by Shameik Moore) and Spider-Gwen (voiced by Hailee Steinfeld) across the multiverse to embark on a grander adventure. Faced with the fate that every Spider-Man will lose a loved one, Miles vowed to break the curse of fate and find his own heroic path. And this decision had a great conflict with Spider-Man led by Spider-Man 2099 (voiced by Oscar Isaac), and a Spider-Man civil war with one enemy and one hundred is about to start!
