
"Spider-Man: Across the Universe" new stills show Miles Gwynn fighting together

"Spider-Man: Across the Universe" new stills show Miles Gwynn fighting together



The sequel to "Spider-Man: Into the Parallel Universe" released a new set of stills, and the Chinese title is "Spider-Man: Across the Universe". The film will be released in North America on June 2.​

"Spider-Man: Into the Universe" is co-directed by Joyim dos Santos ("Avatar"), Cap Bowles ("Spirit") and former art director Justin K. Thompson. Earl Lord and Christopher Miller return to the writing production.


"Spider-Man: Across the Universe" new stills show Miles Gwynn fighting together

"Spider-Man: Across the Universe" new stills show Miles Gwynn fighting together

"Spider-Man: Across the Universe" new stills show Miles Gwynn fighting together

"Spider-Man: Across the Universe" new stills show Miles Gwynn fighting together
