
Director Discusses Reasons for Henry Cavill's Exit from "The Witcher": Exhaustion from Intense Training

Director Discusses Reasons for Henry Cavill's Exit from "The Witcher": Exhaustion from Intense Training



Director Discusses Reasons for Henry Cavill's Exit from

Director Mark Jobert recently shared his candid views on Henry Cavill's departure from portraying "The Witcher". In an exclusive interview with Screen Rant, Jobert mentioned the challenges involved in filming the series and revealed that Cavill did not take any shortcuts during the filming process, leading to his eventual exhaustion and decision to exit.

Director Discusses Reasons for Henry Cavill's Exit from

Jobert explained, "Henry has already been a part of three productions, and this television series demands an incredibly high level of commitment due to its vast scope. Henry committed himself to every stunt, going as far as refusing to use hand doubles. Even for scenes requiring close-ups of his hand gripping a sword, it had to be his own hand. Typically, we would consider using a body double to ease the workload, but Henry never backed down. He embraced the dedication akin to that of a remarkable athlete. We faced 12-hour shoot days, and in addition to that, he continued training pre and post shoots. He showed immense care for his craft."

...This intense work and training regimen left Henry Cavill utterly fatigued. Therefore, after the completion of three seasons, I felt that he had brought the series into the realm of reality. If he believes he has given his all, I fully understand his decision."
