The Legend Begins Unraveling Father-Son Relationship - Stark Contrast Between Xi and Chao Fathers
The Legend Begins Unraveling Father-Son Relationship - Stark Contrast Between Xi and Chao Fathers
The movie "The Legend Begins" releases the post-trailer "Homecoming," revealing the starkly different emotional relationships between Xi and Chao father-son pairs. "Who your father is doesn't matter, but who you are matters," a line emphasizes the individual's significance. The jade ring that Lord Xibo Hou Ji Chang presents to his son Ji Fa also holds profound meaning. Alongside, an exclusive set of stills is revealed.
"The Golden Era" Unveils Captivating New Stills: Andy Lau's Deep Gaze, Tony Leung's Timeless Charisma
Explore the latest stills from "The Golden Era": Andy Lau's intense gaze, Tony Leung's enduring charm. A fifteen-year clash unravels the mysteries of Hong Kong's prosperous era. Premieres December 30. ...
Leading the Fashion Wave - "The New Elegance" Unveils the Legends of Dior and Chanel, Premiering on February 14th
Explore the series "The New Elegance," delving into the legendary stories of Dior and Chanel. Premiering on February 14th, this visually stunning experience intertwines fashion and passion. #FashionIcon #TheNewElegance #SeriesPremiere ...
"Godzilla 1.0" Unveils New Trailer & Stills - Official Release in Japan Today!
Godzilla 1.0," a celebratory film marking the 70th anniversary of Godzilla's creation, unveils a new trailer and stunning visuals. Witness the terrifying detail of Godzilla's scales. Don't miss the Japan premiere today, with North American release on December 1st. ...