
Figure dealers have no choice but to throw away 30 million US dollars of goods to save warehouse management costs

Figure dealers have no choice but to throw away 30 million US dollars of goods to save warehouse management costs



Today (March 3), according to thegamer, the well-known trendy toy brand Funko Pops lost $50 million in business last year. Additionally, the company had to throw away $30 million worth of merchandise to save on rent and warehouses due to poor inventory operations. According to media reports, these discarded figures and other commodities may be thrown into a landfill in Arizona, USA.

Figure dealers have no choice but to throw away 30 million US dollars of goods to save warehouse management costs

It is reported that Brian Mariotti, CEO of Funko Pops, blamed the loss on "macro factors and Funko's own problems", and confirmed that layoffs and other cost-cutting measures will be taken to recover blood.

Figure dealers have no choice but to throw away 30 million US dollars of goods to save warehouse management costs