阿湯哥與華納的新篇章:《壯志凌雲2》矛盾引發“叛逃” 2024-01-12 阿湯哥加盟華納,主演原創電影,揭秘壯志凌雲2矛盾。探訪華納兄弟新辦公室,瞭解最新電影內情。2025碟中諜8最後一次震撼上映。 ...
《海王2》再度更動檔期:延遲兩天至12月22日上映 2023-10-28 DC's highly-anticipated movie, 'Aquaman 2,' set to make a splash on December 22nd. Don't miss the action-packed sequel starring Jason Momoa and Amber Heard. ...
迪士尼看好續集《動物方城2》:比首部更精彩! 2023-10-21 Discover Disney's anticipation for 'Zootopia 2', promising a sequel even more spectacular than the original. Get ready for the next animated blockbuster! ...