《無價之寶》釋出「石頭一家」時尚特輯:被張譯帥到了 2023-10-31 Discover the charm of '無價之寶' ('Priceless') movie's '石頭一家' ('Stone Family') in this stylish special feature. Watch as Zhang Yi and his on-screen family embark on a heartwarming journey. Don't miss this touching film releasing on November 10. ...
臺灣Cosplay圈現《甄嬛傳》多角色形象 每年播出收益仍有千萬 2023-10-31 Explore Shanghai's thriving cosplay scene with iconic characters from the TV series '甄嬛傳' (Empresses in the Palace). Discover why this classic show remains a top choice for cosplayers and its production company's lucrative annual earnings. ...
《陳情令》版權屆滿 出品方今年9次成老賴 2023-10-12 Discover the latest on the expiring copyright of the TV series '陳情令' (The Untamed) and its production company's financial challenges. Stay updated on this TV drama. ...
《哪吒》導演:要打破觀眾對本土動畫的成見 2023-10-12 Discover how 'Nezha' director, Jiaozi, breaks stereotypes in Chinese animation. A fresh take on animated storytelling for all ages. ...
《間諜過家家》官方藝術集預售中:200頁資料僅售3080日圓 2023-10-09 探索間諜過家家官方藝術集!200頁珍貴設定,阿尼亞與動畫幕後製作揭秘。預售中,僅售3080日元。抓住這個機會,瞭解幕後製作的精彩細節! ...
《間諜過家家》第二季OP公開:10月7日正式開播 2023-10-04 間諜過家家第二季:10月7日開播,Ado演唱的主題曲クラクラ!湯淺政明製作的精彩OP動畫等你來觀賞。別錯過這部精彩的TV動畫! ...