
Controversy Surrounding the Preview of Napoleon: Did Corsican Monster Shell the Pyramids?

Controversy Surrounding the Preview of Napoleon: Did Corsican Monster Shell the Pyramids?



According to popular legend, Napoleon's army accidentally destroyed the nose of the Sphinx while practicing target shooting. Perhaps influenced by this rumor, Martin Scorsese included the scene of Napoleon shelling the pyramids in the film. However, other tales suggest that it was damaged by a medieval tourist or destroyed during a peasant uprising.

Controversy Surrounding the Preview of Napoleon: Did Corsican Monster Shell the Pyramids?

In reality, there is no historical record of Napoleon bombarding the pyramids during his rule in Egypt. The nose of the Sphinx was already missing before Napoleon's invasion, as evidenced by a hand-drawn illustration published by a Danish explorer in 1757.

Upon seeing the pyramids, Napoleon organized a race to the top, challenging his entourage to be the first to reach the pinnacle. A mathematician emerged as the victor, receiving a small sip of brandy as a reward.

Controversy Surrounding the Preview of Napoleon: Did Corsican Monster Shell the Pyramids?

During his expedition to Egypt, Napoleon not only brought soldiers and cannons but also a scientific expedition team of up to 200 people. He was not just a military conqueror or a destroyer; he aspired to be a cultural disseminator.

It was during this campaign that Napoleon famously said, 'Let the donkeys and scholars walk in the middle of the procession.'

The movie 'Napoleon' is scheduled for release on November 22.

Controversy Surrounding the Preview of Napoleon: Did Corsican Monster Shell the Pyramids?

Controversy Surrounding the Preview of Napoleon: Did Corsican Monster Shell the Pyramids?
