
"The Wandering Earth 3" Set to Premiere in 3 Years, 3 Months, and 3 Days, Leaving Director Guo Fan Amazed

"The Wandering Earth 3" Set to Premiere in 3 Years, 3 Months, and 3 Days, Leaving Director Guo Fan Amazed



"The Wandering Earth 3" Set to Premiere in 3 Years, 3 Months, and 3 Days, Leaving Director Guo Fan Amazed

Today, "The Wandering Earth 3" officially announced its scheduled release on February 6, 2027. What's surprising is that there are only 1,191 days remaining until the premiere, which equals 3 years, 3 months, and 3 days. This coincidental timing left director Guo Fan in awe, and he humorously posted on Weibo, "I really didn't expect this... Moss, it wasn't your doing, was it?"

"The Wandering Earth 3" Set to Premiere in 3 Years, 3 Months, and 3 Days, Leaving Director Guo Fan Amazed

In the film, as the sun is on the brink of destruction, humanity transforms Earth into a colossal spaceship in search of a new home. However, they face numerous crises in the cosmos. To save the Earth, the young heroes of the Wandering Earth era rise once again, embarking on a life-and-death battle, racing against time.

"The Wandering Earth 3" Set to Premiere in 3 Years, 3 Months, and 3 Days, Leaving Director Guo Fan Amazed

It's worth noting that the third installment of "The Wandering Earth" series features the return of all the classic characters. The storyline becomes more intricate, the cast expands, and the entire world undergoes a comprehensive upgrade.

"The Wandering Earth 3" Set to Premiere in 3 Years, 3 Months, and 3 Days, Leaving Director Guo Fan Amazed
