
"Three-Body" TV Series to Debut in Japan! Premiere Set for October 7th with First Look at the Japanese Version Trailer

"Three-Body" TV Series to Debut in Japan! Premiere Set for October 7th with First Look at the Japanese Version Trailer



"Three-Body" TV Series to Debut in Japan! Premiere Set for October 7th with First Look at the Japanese Version Trailer

Starring Zhang Luyi, Yu Hewei, Chen Jin, Wang Ziwen, Lin Yongjian, Li Xiaoran, the TV series "Three-Body" is set to make its debut on Japan's WOWOW TV on October 7th. A thrilling 60-second Japanese version trailer has been revealed, and on October 7th and 8th, viewers will have the chance to watch the first 10 episodes consecutively. It's worth mentioning that since its premiere in China on January 15th this year, the series has received rave reviews, currently boasting an impressive 8.7 rating on Douban. The charm of the "Three-Body" TV series is about to take Japan by storm!

"Three-Body" TV Series to Debut in Japan! Premiere Set for October 7th with First Look at the Japanese Version Trailer

"Three-Body" TV Series to Debut in Japan! Premiere Set for October 7th with First Look at the Japanese Version Trailer

"Three-Body" TV Series to Debut in Japan! Premiere Set for October 7th with First Look at the Japanese Version Trailer

"Three-Body" TV Series to Debut in Japan! Premiere Set for October 7th with First Look at the Japanese Version Trailer

"Three-Body" TV Series to Debut in Japan! Premiere Set for October 7th with First Look at the Japanese Version Trailer

"Three-Body" TV Series to Debut in Japan! Premiere Set for October 7th with First Look at the Japanese Version Trailer

"Three-Body" TV Series to Debut in Japan! Premiere Set for October 7th with First Look at the Japanese Version Trailer

"Three-Body" TV Series to Debut in Japan! Premiere Set for October 7th with First Look at the Japanese Version Trailer

"Three-Body" TV Series to Debut in Japan! Premiere Set for October 7th with First Look at the Japanese Version Trailer

"Three-Body" TV Series to Debut in Japan! Premiere Set for October 7th with First Look at the Japanese Version Trailer
