
Journey of the Bell Sprout: Extended Until 7/23, the Adventure Continues

Journey of the Bell Sprout: Extended Until 7/23, the Adventure Continues



The story follows a 17-year-old girl named Bell Sprout who lives in the rural countryside of Kyushu, Japan. She encounters a young man on a quest to find the 'Doors' and embarks on a journey with him. Following the young man's footsteps, Bell Sprout arrives at a desolate area on a mountain, where a solitary ancient door stands amidst the ruins, as if the only remaining relic of a collapse. Intrigued, Bell Sprout reaches out her hand towards the door...

Journey of the Bell Sprout: Extended Until 7/23, the Adventure Continues

Soon after, doors across Japan start opening, one by one. It is said that the opened doors must be closed, or else calamity will befall the world from the other side of the door.

Journey of the Bell Sprout: Extended Until 7/23, the Adventure Continues
