
"Bambi" Live-Action Film Seeks Director, Sapoli in Consideration

"Bambi" Live-Action Film Seeks Director, Sapoli in Consideration



Disney is planning to create a new version of "Bambi" in the style of the recent adaptations of "The Jungle Book" and "The Lion King," utilizing the latest technology to bring the animation to life. With minimal human scenes, fans have dubbed this kind of film as the "live-animal version."

"Bambi" Live-Action Film Seeks Director, Sapoli in Consideration

The story of "Bambi" takes place in a forest during a beautiful spring. Bambi, in his quest for his mother's love, engages in a duel with another buck and emerges victorious. In the fall, a forest fire caused by humans ensnares Bambi, but with the encouragement of his father, he bravely leaps into a waterfall and survives. Another spring arrives, and Bambi has grown into a majestic stag, taking the place of his aging father and assuming the throne as the ruler of the forest.

"Bambi" Live-Action Film Seeks Director, Sapoli in Consideration
