
"Rebellion Moon 1" M Station Score 31: Tailored for Schneider Fans

"Rebellion Moon 1" M Station Score 31: Tailored for Schneider Fans



"Rebellion Moon 1" M Station Score 31: Tailored for Schneider Fans

Zack Snyder's "Rebellion Moon 1: Son of Flames" has officially premiered, and media reviews are now available on M Station, with a media score of 31/100 and an audience score of 6.0/10.0.

Variety 60 points:

"Rebellion Moon" is undoubtedly worth watching, but it seems to be a patchwork film, perhaps ultimately suitable only for Schneider's fans.

Total Film 60 points:

"Rebellion Moon 1" M Station Score 31: Tailored for Schneider Fans

Schneider's passionately invested project may be overshadowed by his own self-importance, as the film features tumultuous scenes and grand visual effects.

The Globe and Mail (Toronto) 59 points:

The level of imitation in "Rebellion Moon" is so high that it deprives "derivative" of any meaning. It feels like a fan-made work, as if Schneider believes his work surpasses that of George Lucas, George R. R. Martin, and even Frank Herbert and H. R. Giger.

Screen Rant 50 points:

"Rebellion Moon" is full of exciting ideas from Schneider but lacks engaging characters and a solid plot to support them.

Collider 50 points:

For a film originally thought to subvert the "Star Wars" series, "Rebellion Moon: Son of Flames" feels very similar to one of its works.
